Land is divided between three different styles. Plots will be sold at fixed prices from each size. Each plot will give access to a multitude of functions to shape and make your home in the world of Harmony. Individual shelters will have voting powers associated with them.
Compact Shelter
- Smallest sized shelter
- 1 merchant in your shelter (see roadmap)
- Rested XP accumulated at lowest rate (see roadmap)
- Small Inventory Bank/Storage Container (see roadmap)

Standard Shelter
- Middle sized shelter
- 2 merchants in your shelter (see roadmap)
- Rested XP accumulated at medium rate (see roadmap)
- Medium Inventory Bank/Storage Container (see roadmap)

Sizeable Shelter
- Largest sized shelter
- 3 merchants in your shelter (see roadmap)
- Rested XP accumulated at fastest rate (see roadmap)
- Large Inventory Bank/Storage Container (see roadmap)